Friday, March 23, 2012

Write A Clinical Psychology Essay For Graduate School

Writing a Good Essay Takes Time and Effort

Writing an application essay for admission to a clinical psychology program can be daunting. It is similar to writing a graduate school admissions essay in that the admissions committee wants to get a sense for how prepared you are for the rigors of academia, how knowledgeable you are about the clinical psychology program you are applying to, and how suited you are to studying it based on your past experiences and future goals. All this information has to be conveyed in your essay.


Research, Write and Revise

1. Browse the websites of the programs to which you intend to apply before you begin your application essay. By learning about these programs in some depth, you will gain a sense for tailor your essays to each of them. For now, familiarize yourself with the language of the field and take note of research trends.

2. Find a sample essay (either in clinical psychology or a closely related program) to serve as a template and as a guideline for structure your own essay. You can find sample essays within graduate school preparation books, from current clinical psychology students or at your school's writing center.

3. Begin drafting your own essay. While another essay may provide you with some tips and a starting point, yours will no doubt take on a life of its own as you begin to write. Keep in mind that the admissions committee is interested in learning about your interest in clinical psychology in general and their program in particular, your past, current and future research experiences and goals as well as your individuality.

4. Revise your essay multiple times and share it with as many knowledgeable people as possible, including professors, graduate students, writing instructors and your peers.

5. Tailor your application essay for each program to which you are applying. An easy way to do this is to customize the final paragraph, where you describe how a particular program is a great fit for you by mentioning its strengths.

Tags: your essay, application essay, clinical psychology, admissions committee, clinical psychology