Monday, October 18, 2010

Write A K12 Cooking Test

Use cooking classes in the kindergarten and high school curriculum to teach the relationship between foods, health and fitness. Test your students' understanding of the subject matter by utilizing a wide range of testing methods. Keep the lessons and tests age-appropriate yet challenging. Make cooking a life skill where the real test is how the students use the information in real life.


1. Review instructional objectives of your cooking curriculum. Choose a test format that best assesses your students' knowledge of the subject matter. Take into consideration available facilities and time restraints.

2. Adapt your testing methods to your students' age and grade level. Vary the level of difficulty of the test questions to evaluate the depth of your students' synthesis of the educational materials.

3. Consider using a demonstration format for much of the cooking curriculum. Create take-home demonstration tests if facilities are limited. Ask your students to create a nutritional snack at home and then explain why they chose certain foods. Grade students on how well their snacks conform to the lessons taught in the classroom.

4. Emphasize the interrelationship between the elements of the cooking curriculum. Draft questions or projects that determine if the students have grasped the relationship between a healthy heart and diets rich in fat. Ask why some foods make you sick while others keep you healthy and what cooking methods can be used to keep food healthy.

5. Visit the "Student Contest" section of the SHAPE California Network website for contest and test ideas for a cooking curriculum (see Resources below). Consider using a contest test format to assess your students' absorption of the subject matter.

6. Read through the Teaching Tips website to refresh your test-writing skills (see Resources). Choose the best test methods and formats for your students.

Tags: your students, cooking curriculum, subject matter, Consider using, contest test, relationship between