A graduate degree in animal behavior prepares students for careers as scientific researchers and teachers.
A graduate degree in animal behavior is a science-based degree that prepares students for careers in research and teaching related to the evolution, psychology and communities of animals. Whether you spend your career researching turtles or as a zoological expert, you need a master's degree or PhD in animal behavior or animal science. The U.S. has some of the top graduate programs for animal behavior.
Bucknell University
The Master of Science in Animal Behavior from Bucknell University expands on the university's Bachelor of Animal Behavior program. The program explores the collaboration of psychology, biology and zoology, and prepares students for work with animals---whether in veterinary medicine, animal science or field research. The degree delves into behavioral neuroscience, neurobiology, behavioral evolution, learning and instinct, reproductive biology, community and sensory perception, and how they relate to animals in different environments.
Bucknell University
701 Moore Ave.
Lewisburg, PA 17837
University of California-Davis
University of California in Davis offers PhD degrees through its Graduate Studies in Animal Science. The Animal Behavior Graduate Group at UC Davis is made up of faculty from different departments and colleges who research, assess and teach what they discover in the life sciences related to animal behavior. The university is close to several valuable animal science resources for students, including the California Regional Primate Research Center, the Center for Neuroscience, the John Muir Institute of the Environment and the Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture. Additionally, students have access to several on-campus libraries that have the latest and most important literature in biology and animal behavior. The PhD in Animal Behavior trains students for careers in teaching and research in a number of fields related to animal science.
Graduate Group Complex
310 Life Sciences
One Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The University of Nebraska in Lincoln offers graduate degrees through its Animal Science Graduate Program. One of which, the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy, can be earned in breeding and genetics, non-ruminant and ruminant nutrition, meat and poultry products and physiology. During these graduate programs, students can extend their educations and specialize in equine, beef and cattle, poultry, swine, dairy cattle, and facilitating youth programs.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1400 R St.
Lincoln, NE 68588
Tags: animal behavior, Bucknell University, degree animal, degree animal behavior, prepares students, students careers