Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Study For A Computer Exam

Studying for your computer exam is something you do throughout the course, not just the night before the exam. Commit the exercises and labs to muscle memory--and study your notes daily--in order to breeze through your computer exam. Read on to learn more.


1. Read your books before the course begins. You want to get familiar with terminology and exercise arrangements before the teacher talks about it the first time. Get familiar with all the steps and exercises. Load similar programs on your home computer if you can. You want to do lab exercises when you're home, to gain familiarity.

2. Do the labs. Don't rush through them, take your time. Give yourself breaks every 35 to 40 minutes. Go back and do the labs again if you have time. Study your notes when you get home. Go back and do the lab and exercises you did in the last class--this time on your home computer. Start working on the next class labs and exercises. Study your notes everyday.

3. Repeat the cycle in your next class. Do your labs and exercises more than once to get them down. If you're comfortable with the labs and exercises, volunteer to remain behind to help other students out with theirs. You want to reinforce your skills as much as possible. Give your teacher an image that you're "A student" material.

4. Continue studying your notes and doing your lab and exercises while waiting to take the next class. Go over any exercise and job sheet you're not familiar with. Do this until you could do any exercise you randomly choose--without guidance.

5. Keep doing this until two days before your exam. Save the last day for studying your notes and polishing your practical skills, depending on what your computer exam covers.

Tags: your notes, familiar with, labs exercises, next class, your computer, your computer exam, computer exam