Friday, July 30, 2010

Get A Degree In California

There are more than 500 accredited colleges and universities in California.

Pursuing higher education and obtaining degrees can open a lot of career doors for you. In California there are a multitude of options available for earning a degree. You can obtain an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree and even pursue a doctorate degree. To do so you will need to gain acceptance to an accredited school and complete all the required coursework for your desired degree.


1. Decide what kind of degree you want to pursue. Determine which field you want to work in and what job in that field you want to have. Find out what kind of degree is needed for that job. Associate's degrees generally require 60 hours of course work, while bachelor's degrees require 120. Once you have your bachelor's degree, a master's degree usually takes another two years to complete.

2. Research accredited colleges and universities in California to find out which ones offer the degree you want. See the resources for a list of California colleges and universities.

3. Apply to accredited schools. Submit applications to California colleges and universities that interest you. Submit an application online via the school's website, call and request an application be sent to you or visit the school in person to obtain one. Most colleges charge an application fee and you will need to have your high school transcripts sent to the admissions offices of the colleges to which you are applying.

4. Once you have been accepted to an accredited California college, enroll in classes and pay your tuition. Once you have completed all the required coursework for your degree you will be awarded that degree.

5. You can also choose to take your classes at home on your computer by attending an online school. The application process will be the same as for a regular school. See the resources for a list of accredited online schools in California.

Tags: colleges universities, Once have, accredited colleges, accredited colleges universities, California colleges, California colleges universities, colleges universities California