Friday, May 8, 2009

Kick Out A Crazy Roommate

Having a roommate can be a really great or really horrible experience. Sometimes it takes living with someone before their true, and crazy, colors appear. If your roommate has gone over the edge, it may be time to kick him out.


1. Speak directly to your roommate about the situation. Ask her politely to leave and arrange a move-out date so that she has time to find a new home. If your roommate is truly crazy, this option is likely to get you nowhere, but it is important that she recognize your concerns and that you begin with a passive and peaceful approach.

2. Document occurrences which prove that your roommate is crazy and should be kicked out of your home. Legally, a person cannot be removed from his residence without just cause, so you should take photos and video or tape record conversations which can later be used as evidence.

3. Talk to your landlord, if you lease or rent your home. Discuss having your roommate evicted. A respectful conversation with your landlord can lead to a satisfying agreement for all parties involved, and potentially avoid a messy legal battle.

4. Visit your local Eviction Services, most commonly located at City Hall, if you own your own home and would like to kick out your roommate. Eviction Services can help you fill out the paperwork and begin the process of legal eviction. Additionally, they will help you protect your property rights and recuperate the money spent or lost due to theft or damage done by your roommate.

Tags: your roommate, your home, Eviction Services, your landlord