Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Upload A File To Blackboard

Blackboard can be used to store your files and assignments. Uploading a file to Blackboard will allow you to access the file from any computer with Internet access. Using Blackboard to store your files will save you from having to purchase a flash drive or other mobile digital storage device.


1. Enter your class' Blackboard website by clicking anywhere on the class name displayed in the class list on the "Welcome" page under the "My Courses" heading.

2. Navigate to the "Digital Dropbox." Click on the "Tools" link in the course menu. Choose "Digital Dropbox" from the list of available tools.

3. Click the "Add File" button to upload your file to the Blackboard digital dropbox.

4. Provide a title for the file. Use the "Comments" text box to enter any reminders about what needs to be done to the file before submitting it to your instructor.

5. Press the "Browse" button next to the "File" field and locate the file on your computer. Change the "Look in" filed in the "Choose file" window to the drive or folder where your file is located. Select the file to upload and then click "Open." The file path should now appear in the "File" field.

6. Use the "Submit" button to upload your file to the digital dropbox.

7. Edit the file by downloading it to your computer and opening the appropriate application. You will have to upload the file again after changes have been made.

8. Remove stored files by using the "Remove" button listed next to the file name in the digital dropbox.

Tags: digital dropbox, your file, button upload, button upload your, Digital Dropbox