Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Are The Disadvantages Of A Community College

A community college can be a good alternative to a traditional four-year college because it is normally cheaper and closer to home. It also serves as a good transition from high school to college. However, despite its advantages, community colleges also have many disadvantages.

Associate Degree

A community college awards an associate degree, not a bachelor's degree, which is needed for many jobs.

Lack of College Atmosphere

Because many community colleges cater commuter students, they lack the residential, community feel of many four-year colleges.

Lack of Campus Resources

Community colleges normally do not have extensive library systems or other resources, such as exceptional academic advising for students.

Hard to Transfer Credits

Depending on the four-year university at which you want to continue your education, transferring credits might be hard because the university might not recognize the credits you received at your community college.

Less Interaction

There is less student interaction at a community college compared with a four-year school, possibly leading to more problems networking.

Tags: community college, community colleges