Friday, July 31, 2009

Day Care Licensing Requirements

Each state requires different qualifications be met before a child care license is granted. These regulations can vary, and being able to locate accurate information is essential. Also, procedures vary depending on the type of facility--child care center or family home. To guarantee that your facility is up to date, be aware of the following general guidelines. Specifics will vary state by state.


It's essential that you know your state's specific rules and regulations regarding child care licensing. Some states have a long list of requirements; however, other states have fewer. Regulations will include things like provider education and facility types.


Most states distinguish center-based care and family child care. The ratio of children to adults will vary by state.

Worker Qualifications

States vary on the requirements a child care worker needs. Some states only require that a worker be 18, while others require post-secondary education.

Obtaining Your License

Each state has a licensing agency that accepts applications. Information on where to obtain your state's licensing contact can be found at the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Childcare and Early Development's website.


There are many benefits to becoming a licensed day care provider. Parental preference, tax breaks and being compliant with local laws all make the effort of licensing worth the application process.

Tags: child care, Each state, Some states, state licensing, states have, vary state, will vary