Friday, June 11, 2010

Select Adult Education Videos

Adult education videos can be great resources for people who want to develop work and life skills on their own time, or they can be used in a classroom setting. Just like most teaching materials, there are good and bad adult education videos so you need to know select the appropriate product.


1. Decide how you're going to use the video with your curriculum. Some packages are meant to be supplemental material, but others can figure prominently in your classes. If you want videos for home use, then you may find more affordable videos labeled as "self help" guides.

2. Look for a complete adult education video package that deals with issues related to finding and keeping a job. Evaluate the contents of the package and be sure it covers job searches, resumes, interviews, staying on task and co-worker relations. See if you can find a kit that includes handouts or a computer disc with more information and resources.

3. Research different language education programs and evaluate the ones that are geared toward adults. In addition to video, the language system must also include audio CDs that you can lend to your students. These videos should stress vocabulary and phrases for everyday communication.

4. Scrutinize different videos to find an effective way to teach math, reading and writing as everyday skills. Select videos that explain how these basic abilities are used at home and at work, and then teach by using real-life examples.

5. Do a quick background check on the authors of a video before you purchase it. Find out about their past work as teachers, other methods they have developed and any awards they have won for their work.

6. Shop around for the best prices on the educational materials that you select. Your organization should be able to get a discount from most large publishing companies, although you may need to buy materials in bulk to be eligible.

Tags: education videos, they have