Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Peer Interview Tips

Always greet your peer interviewers with a firm handshake.

The peer interview is your opportunity to understand the employee dynamic among potential co-workers of your selected company. Proper preparation can set you above other potential interviewees. Compliment your work history and skills by walking confidently into your peer interview, ready to answer any question or situation with a well-informed, concise answer. Take the time to get a feel of the employee culture of your chosen company.

Maintain Eye Contact

Maintain eye contact frequently with the person peer interviewing you. Eye contact establishes trust in the person speaking, and ensures that you are actively engaged in what the other is saying. If you must look down or to the side to gather your thoughts, do so, but then look to the peer interviewer to deliver your answer.

Practice Your Interview Skills

Practice peer interviewing with family and friends. If you know a person working at a similar company, ask to "mock" peer interview with that person. You may gain valuable insight to your strengths and weaknesses in practice peer interviews. Additionally, you do not have to worry about possibly creating a bad impression in a "mock" interview.

Familiarity with Talking Points

Prepare your principle talking points, including qualifications and background, before your peer interview. You should concisely answer questions, such as "Tell me a little about yourself," with well-constructed highlights from your education and professional life. Avoid sounding robotic with your responses; peer interviewers may become your co-workers if you land the job. Show a piece of your personality without diving into personal details.

Constant Professionalism

The "relaxed" atmosphere of a peer interview is sometimes confusing to an interviewee, often providing numerous opportunities to make gaffes or unprofessional comments. Maintain your business mindset while participating in peer interviews in order to avoid mixing your personal and professional life. Avoid cursing around peer interviewers. Additionally, steer away from displaying your professional competitive side. Competitiveness before you secure the position may create negative feelings among your peers.

Tags: peer interview, peer interviewers, your peer, life Avoid, peer interviewing, peer interviews, professional life