Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ways To Organize School Papers

Once she's finished with the paper, you have to figure out where to store it.

If you are a parent who wants to hold onto your children's school papers, there are a number of ideas to keep them organized. It's important to decide if you want to keep everything or to be selective in what you choose to keep, since saving every paper or assignment from several children would over the years take up considerable space.

Use a File Cabinet

File cabinets are the most obvious way to organize school papers by child, grade level and subject. Choose multicolored folders for organizing papers by subject. For example, you might always place math in a red folder and social studies in a blue folder. Using folders with tabs that can be written on is extremely helpful when you are organizing school papers for several children over many grade levels.

Use Shelves and Boxes

Another approach for organizing school papers is to use shelves to place boxes organized by year. For example, if you have one child in first grade and other in eighth grade, you can place multicolored folders inside the box with each child's name, grade level and year.

Input from Children

Get your children involved in deciding which papers to keep and which should be placed in the recyclable bin. Create a basic criteria for papers you want to keep, including report cards, special project papers and book reports. If you are sorting through papers that you have kept rather haphazardly in a box, you will need to bring some order to the papers that you have accumulated. Make three piles, one for papers you and your child definitely want to keep, another for those you want to throw away and another for those that you are not sure about.

Oversized Projects

Some projects simply don't fit conventionally into a folder. There are a couple of ways to handle this problem. The first is to take snapshots of the fully functional volcano your son made for fifth grade science class or the model of the solar system you daughter made for the school science fair. Print and keep the photos and toss the volcano/solar system. Alternatively, use a scanner or digital camera for large artwork or other assignments that won't fit neatly into folders. Save these to folders on your family computer.

Tags: school papers, want keep, another those, grade level, multicolored folders, organizing school