Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fun Party Beer Games

Having fun with beer.

Alcohol-themed games provide a social opportunity for friends as well as icebreakers for those who may not know each other very well. While beer drinkers have a large variety of drinking games to choose from, remember that the nature of any game is to have fun, so drink responsibly and don't hesitate to quit playing if you feel like you've reached your limit.

I Never

In this game, players take turns sharing with everyone something they have never done, either true or false. For instance, if a player states that he has never cheated on a test, all players who have cheated on a test must take a drink from their glass. The turns must go in sequential order so everyone gets equal chances to make the "I never" statement. In the event a player claims to have never done something that no one drinks to, he must finish his entire drink. Additionally, if the player falsely claims to have never done something, he must take a drink along with the other players.

Pass the Pitcher

This game is best played in a group setting at a bar or pub location. The starting player takes a drink from the pitcher, as big or as small as she wants to take. She then passes to the player to her left, who must do the same. The game ends when the pitcher is empty, but the catch is that the person that drank from the pitcher before the person who finishes it must buy the next pitcher for everyone. The only rule is that players are allowed just one breath while drinking, and they must keep their lips on the pitcher at all times.

Circle of Death

Circle of Death is a game that requires at least two players and a full deck of cards. Setting the glass in the middle of the table, distribute the cards face down in an even circle for the players to draw from. Based on the card drawn, the player must perform the corresponding action. For instance, drawing any card from 1 to 6 involves taking that many drinks; red means the player himself takes the drinks, while black means passing out twice that many to whichever player he wants. This game is played until all four kings are drawn or there are no more cards remaining.

Power Hour

Best used as an icebreaker for groups of people not familiar with each other, Power Hour involves simply listening to an hour-long mix of songs off a CD or play list. Each time the song changes, everyone takes a drink. Over the course of the hour, players may begin to feel more comfortable with each other as they discuss the music and sip from their drinks.

Tags: each other, have never, have never done, never done, cheated test, Circle Death