Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Apply To Master'S Programs In English Studies

Graduate work in the field of English Studies can be extremely rewarding and enjoyable. If you are looking to pursue a career in higher education in English Studies, graduate study is a vital key to success. This article gives you the basic information you will need to further your study in the field of English.


Preparing to Apply

1. Take the GRE (Graduate Record Examination). This exam is required by almost all graduate programs in English Studies. Many programs also have minimum score requirements that applicants must meet to be considered for admission.

2. Write your personal statement of purpose. This document is a brief description of your desires and intentions with respect to your graduate study. It can be tailored to address specific profressors at each program or it can be a more general statement about what you hope to achieve during your graduate study, as well as what attributes you possess that you feel make you a good candidate for the program.

3. Contact former professors and/or professional colleagues for letters of recommendation. You should find individuals with which you have a good rapport and who can speak to your ability to succeed in a graduate program.

4. Research the programs you would like to attend and gather application information. This can be done online or at your local library. It is also often a good idea to contact representatives and students of the programs to gather more information.

The Application Process

5. Complete all application steps. This often includes a paper or electronic application form. You should also check each individual program to see what else is required. Most will ask for your statement of purpose, your transcripts, multiple letters of recommendation, and writing samples.

6. Provide those individuals who will be writing your letters of recommendation with stamped, addressed envelopes for the letters or the appropriate information for electronic submission. Also be sure to provide them with the appropriate deadlines, giving them at least two weeks to complete the letters.

7. Double-check that you are submitting all of the required application materials to each program. You don't want to be denied admission because of a small oversight.

8. Submit applications and appropriate application fees.

After the Applications Have Been Sent

9. Send "thank you" notes to all individuals who provided you with recommendations. These can be kept simple, but are a key component of scholarly etiquette.

10. Follow up on your application status. This can be done at any time after you have submitted the application. Verify that the programs has received all the necessary paperwork, including letters of recommendation and transcripts.

11. Research logistical concerns like housing, applying for financial aid, and transportation.

Tags: English Studies, letters recommendation, graduate study, each program, field English