Friday, December 21, 2012

Reasons Why You May Want To Be A Teacher

There are few things more satisfying than passing the torch to the next generation. Teachers help children overcome obstacles to progress by providing them with the historical knowledge of past struggles and the methods used to combat them. They encourage preparation for the workforce by linking factual knowledge to its practical application. Finally, teachers work to produce a person with a lifelong devotion to acquiring and using knowledge to make the world a better place.

Cultural Conduit

Become a teacher if you believe in the importance of passing down the knowledge and experience of our common culture. None of society's challenges are new. All of them have been faced at some point in the past. Transmit that body of knowledge to give children the tools to create a society that responds to the needs of its citizens and protects the vulnerable from deliberate harm.

Social Conscience

Use your concern for fairness to teach children the importance of taking an active role in the health and well-being of their community. Give your students everything you received. Teach them to use the knowledge they have been given to speak out against anything that could harm the community as a whole.

Workforce Preparation

Remember that moment just after you moved the tassel on your graduation cap from right to left? That scared feeling in the pit of your stomach was the realization that you were now expected to use everything you have learned to make your way in the world. Teach your students how each bit of subject knowledge they learn will assist them when they begin their chosen career.

Because You Can

Teach because you can. Master a body of knowledge and teach students to put that knowledge into practice.

High Expectations

Teach every child as if he were a genius. Children rise to the challenges they are given. If they feel they are being treated with dignity and respect, they will thrive. Do not withhold knowledge of a particular subject based on your perception of a child's ability level. Present the topic anyway, with age-appropriate modifications.

Tags: body knowledge, have been, knowledge they, your students