Thursday, October 20, 2011

Eat Well Spend Less At College

College provides many opportunities for food bargains for those willing and eager to search them out. Follow these steps and you can let your stomach do the talking.


1. Study your college food plan options and know their weaknesses. Are you on a point system per meal or item eaten, or do you pay a flat rate per quarter or semester?

2. Know whether you are a bulk eater or someone who just snacks a lot. Choose the plan that best fits your eating habits.

3. Invite yourself to a friend's dorm or cafeteria. Often colleges don't care where you eat and have trouble tracking how much you eat.

4. Eat seconds whenever possible, or box up food to take with you for later.

5. Assume that if doors are unlocked and food is on display, it is meant for your liberal consumption.

6. Visit friends in fraternities and sororities for meals.

7. Read the school papers and other local rags for restaurant deals and coupons.

8. Shop at the discount stores where you can buy in bulk.

9. Cook at home if you have the option.

10. Work in food service for extra cash and free meals, either at a campus facility or in the restaurant industry.

11. Find a rich girlfriend or boyfriend who likes to eat out.
