Thursday, February 26, 2009

Find The Best Dorms At The University Of Louisville

Picking a dorm at a collegiate campus is no easy task. Determining the best dorms based on age, size and style of living is even more difficult if you are a new student or one that doesn't know much about on-campus living. This article serves the purpose of taking the guess work out of picking a dorm at the University of Louisville.


1. Consider the Wellness House. This dormitory is different from most first-year student dorms in that it has 24-hour visitation rights. The Wellness House boasts an in-building laundry room and is traditional in style meaning that 2 students share a room and a common bathroom with the rest of the residents on their respective floor.

2. Look into the West Hall if you cannot get into the Wellness House. They are nearly identical in terms of amenities and style of living. Like the Wellness House, West Hall also features 24-hour visitation rights.

3. Check out Threlkeld Hall if you can gain access to the Honors Program. This dormitory is arguably the most convenient location on campus in terms of popular areas that students frequent. It is located right near the Student Activities Center.

4. Understand that parking on campus is no easy task for students. Each of the dorms mentioned have small student lots near them, but finding a parking spot within a close walking distance is not always a given.

Tags: Wellness House, 24-hour visitation, 24-hour visitation rights, campus easy, campus easy task