Monday, August 8, 2011

Science & Engineering College Grants

Grants are available to help people earn degrees in science and engineering.

Students who study fields of math, science and engineering will be the people who create new technologies, products and services that will shape our future. Many agencies and companies are working to make sure individuals who want to pursue a career in science or engineering get the opportunities they deserve. Just like any other field, an education can be expensive. Luckily, there are many sources of grants available for those who want to make science and math a priority.

National SMART Grant

Sallie Mae provides a Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant that provides up to $4,000 for people pursuing higher-level degrees in science, math and engineering. Full-time students who are U.S. citizens and eligible for a federal Pell Grants are also eligible for the SMART Grant. Eligible majors include physical, life, or computer sciences, mathematics, technology or engineering.

National Science Foundation Scholarships

The National Science Foundation is at the forefront of revitalizing interest and funding in science and research. The scholarship program awards funds to students in several different areas, including science, technology, math and engineering. The NSF program awards grants to colleges and universities to help support scholarships for financially strapped students. In turn, those institutions are responsible for choosing students at their schools who will receive the funds.

National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

The U.S. Department of Defense is offering graduate fellowships aimed at training a new generation of scientists and engineers looking to enter fields of military importance. The Department of Defense offers these fellowships to students who stand out in fields such as civil engineering, electrical engineering and chemistry. Fellowships are awarded to students interested in pursuing a doctoral degree.

NASA Scholarship Program

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration looks for the best and the brightest to help with its mission, and offers scholarships to individuals studying fields related to aeronautics and space travel. The program offers grants of up to $15,000 for two years to cover tuition and educational expenses as well as a summer internship at a NASA research center. The program also offers funds and internships to graduate students pursing a career with NASA.

Tags: degrees science, Department Defense, math engineering, National Science, National Science Foundation, program awards