Monday, November 15, 2010

Improve Grades By Joining A Sorority

The word "sorority" conjures an image of elite organizations with strong academic and philanthropic arms. If you're looking for a practical reason to rush, consider the ways you can actually improve your grades by joining a sorority.


1. Attend study hours in the house. Having a set quiet time to study each day will keep you and your grades on track.

2. Receive tutoring from sorority sisters who are in the same classes. Borrow lecture notes if you're absent from class, work on group projects together and hold review sessions before tests.

3. Get advice from sisters who are upperclassmen with the same major. They'll be able to advise you on necessary classes and projects and fill you in on the testing styles of specific instructors. Knowing if you should concentrate more on the lecture notes or text books, for example, can give you an advantage at test time.

4. Take advantage of resources you may have in the house, such as study files, computer and office equipment or study rooms.

5. Motivate one another with a pact to study a specific number of hours each day or make a friendly wager on who will have the highest grade point average at the end of each semester. Treat the "winners" to dinner, a new outfit or a day at the spa.

6. Avoid burnout by taking a break from the books from time to time. Participate in community activities, philanthropic projects or social activities organized by the Greek community.

Tags: lecture notes, your grades