Thursday, May 6, 2010

Buy Diplomas Online

Buy college degree online

I'm so NOT surprised that the Internet has made fake diplomas available to the public. As a homeschooler, I'm not entirely against anything that trivializes an institutionalized education, but the ability to buy diplomas online takes the cake. I'm not here to judge, if fake degrees make people feel better, then go for it. Maybe it's just a movie prop, what do I know? Check out these guidelines for buying diplomas and buying degrees on the internet.


1. Understand that many US high schools aren't accredited. Accreditation isn't required of public schools, nor is it automatic. Accreditation can be lost by failing to make the grade on standardized tests, not having enough books in the library, failing to meet improvement mandates or not having a functioning board. A non-accredited diploma isn't as much of a big deal as people think it is. It's not like you're going to get into a college with a fake diploma, you'd need transcripts sent from the High School registrar's office, so you're not really fooling anyone.

2. Try a Lifetime Experiences diploma that ends up actually being real, not a fake diploma. You can buy a diploma based on your life experiences, since real life can teach you a lot. Check the resources section for vendors of Life Experience diplomas.

3. Consider skipping the Degree. Did you know that you can save thousands of dollars by not going to law school. You can take the State Bar Association Examination without a degree from a law School. If you happen to do this, though you'll need to buy a few degrees to hang in your office, otherwise it just won't look right.

4. Get a frame for your diploma, too. I can't tell you how many times I've stood in a professional's office and the beautiful embossed frame designs have detracted my attention from the actual diploma. Maybe I'm just a sucker for cool picture frames, but I am sure it makes a big difference. If you had ACTUALLY studied for that degree, you wouldn't be happy letting it hang in some $5 Wal-Mart frame, you'd have it matted and hanging in style. Show your fake degree or diploma the same respect.

Tags: fake diploma, Maybe just