Friday, August 23, 2013

University Security Officer Duties

Colleges and universities commit to protecting students and staff with the help of university security officers. University officers provide services like alarm response, crowd control, student protection, patrol and escorting to ensure students' well being on and off campus.

Alarm Response

University security officers must quickly respond to urgent calls such as fire alarms and weather emergencies. Security officers should respond to alarms promptly and professionally, without demonstrating fear.

Crowd Control

In response to a fight, injury or other emergency, university security officers must be able to effectively control crowds either by themselves or with other officers. Crowd control may also involve just monitoring football game crowds or other activities involving large groups of people.

Student Protection

The university security officer's main job is to protect students. They do so by enforcing rules, eliminating hazards and using common sense to assist students.

Campus Patrol

Campus security officers patrol the campus either by foot or vehicle. They also control traffic and monitor parking.

Escort Services

Some students require an escort to and from campus late at night for protection. Campus security ensures student safety by walking or driving students around campus, making sure they arrive safely at their destination.

Tags: security officers, Campus security, officers must, security officers must, university security