Monday, July 11, 2011

Bible Science Activities

Individuals can combine their religious belief system with scientific findings.

Those who believe in the Bible say they respect scientific research and findings, but when a scientific theory clashes with biblical teachings, the Bible's narrative, for them, usually takes precedence. Parents and teachers who educate children in tandem with their biblical faith may initiate science activities that demonstrate the co-existence of science and the Bible and even strengthen their religious beliefs.

Digger Doug Detective

Play the Discovery Magazine's Digger Doug Detective game (see Resources). The game allows children to review the evidence that scientists have, at one time or another, cited as evidence of "missing links" between animals and humans. Some scientists use evidence of "missing links" to prove evolution, a theory that some Bible believers find unacceptable. The game demonstrates that other scientists subsequently discredited the pieces of evidence that scientists historically used to support evolution. The game emphasizes that scientists have not yet disproved the Bible's account of creation.

Answers Academy

Study the Answers Academy curriculum to obtain the tools that will allow students to provide answers to questions about the accuracy of the Bible in relation to modern science. Answers Academy provides data regarding biology, geology and astronomy, demonstrating that believers can function as active members of the scientific community while retaining their beliefs in biblical narratives and teachings. The academy's DVDs come with workbooks, publicity suggestions sheets, posters and a leader's guide. Lesson titles include "Where did God Come From?" "Astronomy: What Do We Really Know" and "The Truth About Natural Selection."

Dinosaurs for Kids

Read "Dinosaurs for Kids," a children's book that displays a Bible-based timeline of dinosaur history together with illustrations and updated information and research about dinosaurs. The book provides biblical sources that support the existence of dinosaurs within a biblical context while offering scientific data about dinosaurs based on fossil evidence. The book emphasizes the Bible's place as the ultimate source of information about the world. It also demonstrates that science and the Bible don't necessarily contradict each other.

God All Around Us

Emphasize the basic biblical lesson of God's constant presence and his hand in every facet of the world with a simple nature walk. Walk around your neighborhood or take a special hiking trip to observe the wonders of the world. Emphasize the ways that God has has organized his world so that, for instance, animals grow thicker coats of fur in the winter, buds come out on the trees in springtime after the winter cold has ended and animals develop adaption skills to survive in their environment. A nature walk can demonstrate biblical lessons and show evidence existence of intelligent design in a manner that books and lectures cannot.

Tags: Answers Academy, that scientists, about dinosaurs, demonstrates that, Digger Doug, Digger Doug Detective, Dinosaurs Kids